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We would love for you to join us at our services (shown below), either in Church or online at our YouTube channel


8.00am: Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

10.15am: Sunday Worship

  • Holy Communion every 1st and 3rd Sunday
  • Service of the Word every 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday
  • Children and young people’s groups every week
  • Live-streamed on ‘All Saints Ilkley’ YouTube channel


11.00am: Holy Communion (Common Worship)

Temporary service pattern - January to March 2025

We are very excited that work on our Phase 2A development will start on January 6th 2025, and expected to finish by the end of March. 

Whilst the works are ongoing, Church House will be out of use which will impact on our children and youth provision during the 10.15am service. Therefore, we have put into place a temporary service pattern to start on Sunday January 12th to accommodate our children and youth as best as we can. We appreciate that this arrangement is not ideal, but we have to work within what is possible, practical and appropriate, and it'll all be worth it once we have our new Church House!

If the building work extends into April then we will continue with the service pattern below.

  • 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month:
    A choice of two worship services, both of which will be open to anyone to attend:
    • A Holy Communion service in Church, similar to the Wednesday 11am service, with activity tables for any children who attend and Tiny Saints in the Side Chapel as normal; or
    • An 'informal' worship service at All Saints Primary School, aimed at families with children.
  • 2nd Sunday of each month:
    An intergenerational service in Church, similar to previous intergenerational services.
  • 4th and 5th Sundays of each month:
    A new service format called 'All Together at All Saints':

For avoidance of doubt, the Sunday 8am and Wednesday 11am services will be unaffected by the building works. 

A copy of the January to March service card, along with more detail about the practicalities of this temporary service pattern, is available here.

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord"

Psalm 150:6

"God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."

John 4:24